October 18, 2020 at 10:15 pm
SubscriberHi all,
October 19, 2020 at 12:31 ampeteroznewman
SubscriberArray Please insert your images directly in your post because Ansys staff are not permitted to open attachments.nThe figure you attached is inserted below. It is a great illustration of the process. Was some physics solver computing this result? If so, what was that?nOctober 20, 2020 at 12:18 pmpeteroznewman
SubscriberArray nIn Mechanical, click on Transient Structural in the outline, pick the vertex of the pole, and on the Environment tab of the ribbon, in the Supports category is Simply Supported. This is also known as a pinned support.nOctober 21, 2020 at 10:44 amAhmedCfx
SubscriberAnd to answer your question Was some physics solver computing this result? someone simulate that in ABAQUS.nnOctober 22, 2020 at 7:11 pmOctober 23, 2020 at 1:52 ampeteroznewman
SubscribernA pole held in the hands of a pole vaulter sags due to gravity forces and induces an initial curvature to the pole when it lands in the socket to launch the pole vaulter into the air.nThis first model has a perfectly straight pole, which is a problem. It would be better if the pole had the slight curvature that gravity induces. That slight curvature will allow the pole to deform into the shape needed to bend the pole and begin the rest of the motion.nOctober 25, 2020 at 6:18 pmAhmedCfx
SubscriberDear Peter nHow can I can change the distance or the angle between the point mass and the end of the pole? And how can I disconnect them?.regardsnnOctober 26, 2020 at 1:52 ampeteroznewman
SubscriberArray nBelow is a copy of the text from my first post.nThe distance between the center of mass of the pole vaulter, represented by the blue square, and the end of the pole changes during the simulation. You could represent that by having a body for the pole vaulter. The angle of the pole vaulter to the pole also changes. You can represent that by having a dummy body on the end of the pole.nPut a revolute joint between the pole and the dummy body to allow for rotation about Z. Put a translational joint between the dummy body and the pole vaulter body to allow for the pole vaulter to pull in closer to the end of the pole.nA pole vaulter releases the pole during the event. You can cause the revolute joint to be deactivated at a specific time to allow the pole vaulter to continue to rise to the peak height and begin falling.nThough you have read that, it seems you don't understand how to follow these directions. Make three bodies named: PoleEnd, Hand and Chest. Use Bonded Contact to connect the PoleEnd to the Pole. Put a revolute joint between the PoleEnd and the Hand. Put a translational joint between the Chest and the Hand. Insert a Joint Load on the translational joint. The load type is displacement. Create a table of displacements vs. time. This will let the chest come closer to the hand at some point in time.nThe Ansys Learning Forum is a public forum. You are prohibited from providing (i) information that is confidential to You, your employer, or any third party, (ii) Personal Data or individually identifiable health information, (iii) any information that is U.S. Government Classified, Controlled Unclassified Information, International Traffic in Arms Regulators (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulators (EAR) controlled or otherwise have been determined by the United States Government or by a foreign government to require protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security, or (iv) topics or information restricted by the People's Republic of China data protection and privacy laws.Please Login to Report Topic
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The Ansys Learning Forum is a public forum. You are prohibited from providing (i) information that is confidential to You, your employer, or any third party, (ii) Personal Data or individually identifiable health information, (iii) any information that is U.S. Government Classified, Controlled Unclassified Information, International Traffic in Arms Regulators (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulators (EAR) controlled or otherwise have been determined by the United States Government or by a foreign government to require protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security, or (iv) topics or information restricted by the People's Republic of China data protection and privacy laws.