

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

fluent calculation warning

    • Ibrahimabdullah



      can anyone tell me what went wrong? in addition if i have more than 1.2 million elements my fleunt calculation goes off i dont know why ?? but less than that everything is running smoothly.


      thank you 

    • Kalyan Goparaju
      Ansys Employee


      It seems like you have GPU acceleration turned on. The error is basically indicating that your GPU memory is not large enough to fit your computational model when the number of cells is greater than 1.2 million. 



    • Ibrahimabdullah

      i see .. really appreciate the explanation brother.


      thank you so much 

    • Ibrahimabdullah

      do you have any suggestions for converging problems? i sat up 750 iterations but it shows floating point exception after 250 iterations.. i have played around with the URF and i changed the pressure outlet to out flow BC because when i was using pressure outlet i got reverse flow.. the reverse flow issue solved but remaining the floating points problems.


      thank you for your guidance 

    • Ibrahimabdullah

      i have attached the residual graph 



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