Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

DesignModeler “Graphics screen in blank”

    • jescalante1971

      I have installed Ansysacademicstudent 2019r3 


      I have to create a 3D bridge and I am following a YouTube video.  When i click to create a "New DesignModeler Geometry", the Graphics screen is in blank and there is a grey line. I can't see the exes or do nothing.


      I think it worked before, but not sure at 100%.

      Could you help me with this, please?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please post a screen shot. 

    • jescalante1971

      Morning rwoolhou.

      The problem is fix. I right clicked in the desktop and after selecting NVIDIA control panel I changed it for a Higher process option.

      Now is working.

      Thank you very much.


    • masood

      Hi, I have exactly the same problem, please explain more

    • masood

      "The problem is fix. I right clicked in the desktop and after selecting NVIDIA control panel I changed it for a Higher process option"

      Please explain this in shape.Thank you

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There's a Win10 option to force the PC to use the NVIDIA graphics card if it's installed. I assume it's linked to that.

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