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An oscillating cantilever beam

    • Omar Jumaah

      Modeling an oscillating cantilever beam
      Hello everyone,
      How can I model a cantilever beam oscillating due to the water flow thermal gradient inside a duct?
      In other words, the beam-free end moves up and down based on the temperature difference. Does the shape memory alloy fit this purpose?
      How can I couple bending deflection and the temperature?
      Thanks in advanced

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Omar, 

      Fluent has Fluid-Structure Interactions capability: Chapter 28: Modeling Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Within Fluent

      So in theory, you could do this in Fluent. In practice, I'm not sure that fluctuations in the hydrodynamic loads resulting from natural convection in the fluid would be sufficient to deform a beam. This would depend on the specifics of your case.

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