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You have a very complex model that uses many types of material properties and is a coupled physics type of model. I suggest you build competence in each component of this complex model by analyzing many much simpler test models and you indicate above that you have already started to look at a simplified model. Please describe in detail that simplifed model, what result you obtained and why you think it is wrong.
The ideal simple test model is one which has an analytical solution so you can show that your model result matches the analytical model. The ideal simple test model may have geometry very different than your eyeball anatomy. The verification model VM264 is a simple cylinder.
Another simple test model is a volume of water inside a non-porus elastic (or hyperelastic) enclosure with a constant wall thickness. Use a simple geometry such as a sphere and show that you can apply pressure to one face and have the other faces expand out while the volume of water remains constant. I would use symmetry to make the boundary conditions simple. Use SpaceClaim to create a sphere at the origin, then create 3 planes at the origin and slice the body to leave a 1/8 model, keeping the solid on positive side of the origin. Make a plane at the tangent to the sphere on the X axis. Sketch a circle on that plane. Project that circle onto the surface of the sphere to create a face to apply pressure. Due to symmetry, that will be like pushing on both sides of the full sphere.
What other component of the full model can you think of to break out into a simple test model?