Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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Reading .rsdocx Designspark files into Spaceclaim

    • breg

      Spaceclaim offers the opening of .rsdoc files from Designspark Mechanical, which uses the same core User Interface and functions but is developed independently. 

      Now from Version 6.x in 2023 onward, Designspark has moved to a new file format (to accomodate changes in parasolid AFAIK): .rsdocx

      How can these files be read or imported into Ansys spaceclaim?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I assume you've tried opening the file? The newer format isn't visible in the "full" version, but I don't know what will be supported in 25R1. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check Discovery, I can see the reader in the "full" version. 

    • breg

      Found the solution myself by try-n-error:

      Copy the file and rename extension to: .scdocx

      Ansys developers might consider to offer opening of rsdocx files directly in the future. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Or use the newer geometry tool? There's a reason I suggested using Discovery. 

    • breg

      How would the geometry tool help me to work on rsdocx files?

      The situation underlying this thread is that I put several hundred hours of work, over years, into Designspark modeling ;-)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Because that's how you read the other (rsdocx) format into the Ansys tools. 

    • breg

      Ok, understood.
      I prefer to use the UI that is close to the one I know. 
      And it turns out - it happens to use the same file format, only with a different extension. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's fine - Ansys are CAD agnostic in that we've got readers to most CAD platforms. You'll just not see them all in the Student version. 

    • breg

      Ok, why not - what sense does it make to hide these functions from people whom Ansys wants to win as future customers?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Hide what functions? If you mean the readers, it's because many require third party licences - those aren't Ansys property and aren't free. 

    • breg

      -The function here is: Read and work on .rsdocx files from Designspark
      -And the hiding: only after changing their extension. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which is in Discovery..... 

    • breg

      Discovery has its own file format not compatible with DSM. 
      But it’s a one-way-street anyhow, as SC files do not open in DSM even after renaming the extension. 

      Leaves the question: Why is Spaceclaim still included in the Ansys portfolio?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Because it's still being used. We have geometry tools that were last updated well over 10 years ago in use, eventually they'll stop working or be replaced with the current versions but that's for a user to determine. 

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