Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Remote Displacement for 3D Ball/Sphere (Solid Deformable) Reply To: Remote Displacement for 3D Ball/Sphere (Solid Deformable)



Also, I have only modeled 40° out of 360° ….which is 1 ball with part of IR and OR…. All bodies are free to deform in XY plane....but No deformation & only rotation around Z axis

My ball bearing should Rotate in Ansys Mechanical (Transient) and this will cause Fluid to move in Ansys Fluent (Transient – Sliding Mesh Tech with Dynamic Mesh) —–> 2 way FSI. [Mech – Fluent -System Coupling ]

So my B.C. should be:

Inner Race:  Revolute Joint (Body to Ground ) +1000 RPM

Outer Race:  Revolute Joint (Body to Ground ) -658 RPM

Ball:  Remote Disp. (Rz= Free) around own axis.

Between Ball and Races, there is fluid (in Ansys Fleunt) which will transfer Pressure forces to Mechanical body … contact is kept ‘Frictionless’ as there will never be Metal-Metal conatct
