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Simulating axial flux synchronous machine

    • wonseiii99

      I am analyzing an axial flux synchronous motor with a 10-pole, 12-slot configuration, applying three-phase AC current.

      The AC current is as follows.


      However, even after running the simulation multiple times, I only get negative torque or torque values close to zero. Could this be due to an incorrect initial position? If so, how should I set the initial position? I’ve heard a lot about aligning it with the phase, but I’d like to know precisely which equations or methods I can use to achieve proper alignment.

      Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • Miranda Hourihan
      Ansys Employee
      Here is a trick to find initial position: Simulate the no-load analysis in Maxwell with initial Position of MotionSetup is input as 0 deg and the Excitations Current is to 0A. After the analysis is complete, select from the menu, Maxwell2D/3D -> Results -> Create TransientReport -> Rectangular Plot Change X-axis to Position, and change Y-axis to Flux Linkage and press the New Report. Or change X-axis to Position, and change Y-axis to Induced Voltage and press the New Report. Use the X Marker to locate the point of minimum flux linkage of Phase A or to locate the zero point of induced voltage of Phase A. Input the initial position of Motion setup by searched X Marker.
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