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if you see the part choroid, this part should change it’s volume overtime with the changing of pressure which are exerted by the 18 nodes by using nodal pressure. And the part called inside is actually vitrious body which is fully incompressible(So I modeled as water) when the choroid changes it’s volume, it’ll affect vitrious body and as it can’t change it’s volume it’ll create an opposite pressure to resist it’s volume deformity. I need to extract the pressure. Below part is the modeling of the opposite pressure which is named OPA in FEBio:
”To estimate the OPA in all models, a ‘‘volume constraint’’
was imposed on the inner limiting membrane and the
augmented Lagrangian was turned on. The tolerance and
penalty factor were set as 0.00001 and 0.001, respectively.
Those values were chosen because they maintained the
volume of the vitreous within 0.000001% during the cardiac
cycle. All pressure estimates (to maintain the volume of the
vitreous body constant) were extracted from the FEBio output
log file (.log) under the section ‘‘Volume Constraint’’ at each
converged step.”
here is the ipdated model
Also please check me the APDL, and can yopu tell me how can insert effective permeability.
I need your help badly, please reply me soon.
thanks in advance.