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Workflow Advice: Rolling Lobe Air Spring Force-Deflection Analysis in Ansys

    • EO


      I am new to Ansys and I am using it as part of my dissertation related to enapsulating the force-deflection behaviour of rolling lobe air springs as it deforms. Effectively, I am interested in the vertical component of pressure acting on the bumper for a given vertical displacement of the bumper from some reference position. [See schematic & video of rolling lobe air spring below]

      To start with, from this thread, I would like following information:

      • What workflow is best suited for this problem?
        • From my initial research it seems as though this type of problem is best suited for FSI (Fluent) in workbench
      • Pointers to good resources on understanding Dynamic Meshing & Contact regions in Fluent

      Thank you for reading my post, I look forward to hearing from you.

      Kind Regards,



      Schematic of Rolling Lobe air spring CAD model

      Video of Rolling Lobe Air Spring under load

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator
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