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I have read about the RRF and MRF. For my case, it is to solve the equation of motion in the IR Reference frame (which rotates with the IR in mechanical).

But the Ball will still translate and rotate w.r.t Inner Race referece Frame. (as the Cage is not present in my case to translate the ball)

Outer Race will move in the opposite direction w.r.t Inner Race reference Frame.

In the Pciture below, The Cage (w_c) rotating casuses the ball to translate/guide along the circumferece. That is missing in my case!!


If the ball does not translate, I cannot capture the correct Lubrication Dynamics and Effects on surface of Raceway.

So translation of ball is important for me. That is why I have these B.C. in Mechanical:

•IR = + 1000 RPM Rotational Velocity
•OR = Fixed Support
•Ball = Remote Displacement ( Ux, Uy = Free, Rz = Free)
I want you to help me with the Wall Speed of all this objects (IR, OR and Ball) in the Fluent for this case?