General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Rigid Body Dynamics, analysis query

    • laxyazomato
      I am trying to simulate two links problem, where in first
      case i) :  Applied the rotation (rad) to the link 'A' (which have revolute pair with ground) and got the constraint moment at that joint.
      case ii). Now giving constraint moment which I got from case (i) as input for case (ii). But not getting expected result (i.e. rotation which given to the link 'A' in case (i)). 
      In this scenario, giving "A" as input and getting  "B" as output, now if I am giving "B" as input then I should get the "A" as output ?


      Input 'A' for the green link (shown below) which have revolute pair with the ground.

      Output from above input

      Output in case (ii)

    • peteroznewman

      You have two links, but it is not clear which end of which link is the revolute to ground.

      Is there a gravity load?  You have not fully described the problem.

      • laxyazomato

        Thanks for the reply peteroznewman!

        I am attaching the schematic of the above mechanism and attaching the link to get the .wbpj file here. : (

    • laxyazomato




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