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DQ Transient Reports in RMxprt generated Maxwell model

    • krystof.topor

      Hi everyone,

      Are the automatically generated plots with DQ quantities (DQ current, voltages, etc..) in model created via RMxprt "Create Maxwell Design" correctly aligned? I was playing with AFPM examples and the DQ currents in the Maxwell model seem wrongly transformed. I would expect Q current to be positive in motoric mode.

      I couldn't find anything on how is the model generated in the documentation on anywhere else. And when trying to manually calculate the aligment angle, aligning N magnet with Phase A, I got different results.

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee
      Hi, yes, you are correct, Iq is not right here. Please create a new report -> Domain:Transient D-Q ->Machine Options: Number of poles in the machine 0(Update this and OK) -> Winding->I(q-axis).
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