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unable to get velocity contour on plaque region

    • aartikoli11may

      Hello everyone,

      1. I'm performing 2-way FSI in bifurcating artery. I created obstruction in the artery when I'm plotting velocity contour on plaque region it is not showing the obstructed region. Please help me with this.
      2. Unable to get this type of velocity contour.
    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Do you mean 'how to show contour lines on the contour map?'

      • aartikoli11may
        No no not that. I mean I'm not getting contours of velocity in correct form because in plaque region contours should show obstructed region also but in my case whole contour is showing (no cut region is showing). I hope you are getting my point.
    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      check if you have created the plane to show the plaque region contours. 

      or modify the fluid volume in SpaceClaim such that it will show that obstructed region

      • aartikoli11may

        How can I modify fluid volume in spaceclaim please explain.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Once you create obstruction in the artery use boolean subtract to remove that much region from fluid domain.
      Refer the following example:
      1. Created obstruction in the pipe

      2. Substract the obstruction from pipe and pipe will have a impression of it

      and cross-section at obstruction will look like:

    • aartikoli11may

      Thank you so much sir for explaining it so nicely. In ANSYS SpaceClaim how can we substract the obstruction, I have created the obstruction in SpaceClaim.


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee
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