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Hi again,

I tried all what we discussed earlier in the thread. There is still the main issue of the results displayed are corrupt. When I tried to add the results in the external fatigue life results object, I got the following message:

The file I add to the path for the external fatigue life results is the dl_results.csv

I also get this in nCode:


Initially, when I reset the solution and result component and ran the fatigue analysis for one case, I get the results with no problems. when I start adding more .rst files via connecting static structural modules to nCode, I still got the results. Once I saved and closed WB and reopened, the results are as shown in the previous figure, components disappearing. However, the dl_results, the DataValuesDisplay in nCode show the fatigue life and damage at all the nodes. 


Any suggestion on why this is happening? Is this some kind a bug in the code or there is something I am missing here. Is this a visualisation issue with nCode and ANSYS?


Thanks in advance,