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Rocky DEM of wheel motion over particle bed


    • spirrett.fiona.jwri

      Does anyone have any experience with Ansys Rocky? I am trying to simulate a tyre over a particle bed (rocks etc). There is a video of this on youtube as a demonstration that says it uses 6DOF for the interactions (

      ), but I am not sure how to set the motion frames correctly. I currently have a two frames, one translation (with horizontal movement and free translation in y) and one rotation (nested child), but the wheel is bouncing a lot rather than rolling over the surface. Anyone know which parameters are responsible for that? Any help/direction to tutorial would be really appreciated!

      Thank you.

    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee



      here are some topics/parameters that could change your result:

      • materials young's modulus: making each part more or less rigid could affect the results
      • motion frames: you could change the velocities and/or add a spring-dashpot force motion frame
      • tire/wheel mass: if you increase the tire mass, it would probably bounce less


      please check the Rocky User Manual for more details on each topic, and feel free to continue this conversation


      best regards,



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