Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Converting .DMIG to .SUB Superelement / Condensed Part Reply To: Converting .DMIG to .SUB Superelement / Condensed Part



Thank you Chandra for the quick response! I am not much of an APDL user so I am slowly working through this. I can’t seem to get past the following error:

 *EXPORT Command : Nodes need to be defined in Ansys prior to export a   
 new SUB file.    

I have defined the superelement's boundary nodes with XYZ coordinates (e.g.: n,1,0.0,0.0,0.0) that are defined in the DMIG and should carry over into the SUB as "master nodes" or "interface nodes" and I have exported those nodes to the .sub as well, so I’m having trouble understanding what more definition is required.