Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Far-Field 2D FDTD Reply To: Far-Field 2D FDTD

Ansys Employee

Hi Giovanni,

Thanks for your question, and I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with Lumerical. 

Is the monitor named "field top" a Frequency-domain field and power (DFTMonitor) or a ModeExpansionMonitor? Typically, the farfield commands are used with a DFTMonitor. If you want to record the E field and project it to the far-field, then a DFTMonitor would be best. A ModeExpansionMonitor could fail to find a supported mode and therefore not find any data. So I suspect the issue could be due to the type of monitor; if you think this is not the case, let me know and we will look for other explanations. 

Alternatively, could you please try the command without specifying the frequency, as in ' E = farfield2d("field top"); ' and let me know if that also has issues?


