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bi-lateral link between HFSS and Spaceclaim 2021R2 parameterization

    • wcopeland2

      I have SpaceClaim 2021R2, if I parameterize my  3D components drawn in SpaceClaim and use the bi-lateral link between HFSS and SpaceClaim, will I be able to vary parameters in my 3D model using Optimetrics and also Co-simulate my components using Circuit? Can you show me an example how to parameterize a 3D model in SpaceClaim, import it into HFSS

      while using SpaceClaim parameters in HFSS, and Circuit?   Thanks, Bert

    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      Parameters defined in SpaceClaim can indeed be utilized within HFSS for simulation purposes and the HFSS simulation can run co-simulatin in Circuit.

    • wcopeland2

      If I set up my excitations and boundaries and frequencies and run the component in HFSS and save it, do I need to have SpaceClaim open and running when I run it again, lets say four days later?

      Or if I share my file with a co-worker who does not have SpaceCalaim, can they run this file too?  And will the parameters still exist in this file that they run , even though they do not have spaceclaim on their computer?


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