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Modeling of nanocrystalline material using homogenization technique

    • neharajput

      Dear fellowmates,

      I'm trying to perform magnetostatic analysis using Ansys Maxwell 3D for a transformer structure using a nanocrystalline core material. I have divided the core into 10 parts as shown in Fig. below with individual object coordinate axis. I have provided anistropic permeability values using homogenization technique. For just testing out, I provided 10 turns on each primary and secondary windings with currents (1) Ip = 5A and Is = 10A and (2) Ip = 15A and Is = 10A. Since the permeability value is constant, it should provided equal inductances for both primary and secondary windings. But for some reasons, I'm getting secondary inductance to be greater than primary's. Can someone help me out?

      I have attached some screenshots from the simulation


    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      Is the model geometry perfectly symmetrical? The screenshot shows the right side of core is bit off from the corner parts.


    • neharajput

      Hi Gluo,

      Thanks for the reply.

      Yes, I have checked the model and it is perfectly symmetrical.

      Can you provide anymore suggestions?

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee

      I think you could use a simple material to check if the inductances are same to rule out other possible cause first. If they are the same, then you can inspect if the coordinates and material are set correctly. I suppose you are using cylindrical coords for the 4 corner parts?


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