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How to build different rotor geometry in Ansys Maxwell

    • melihstorm1

      Hello everyone, I want to design line start synchronous reluctance motor in Ansys maxwell. My question is how can i add squirrel cages into the SynRM core? 

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee

      Hi melihstorm1,
       To make any modifications to an existing model in Maxwell. You can use the tools available under the Draw tab and the boolean operations.
      If you have a complex geometry, it is advisable to model it using a CAD tool and then import it to Maxwell.



    • melihstorm1

      For example, let’s say I designed a synchronous reluctance motor using RMxprt and then transferred it to Maxwell 3D. After that, I added the rotor cage structure using the user-defined primitive and made the necessary adjustments using Boolean operations. Would it be possible to solve such a design in the simulation?

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee

      Of course, if you model everything correctly as you mentioned and made sure all sorts of excitations, boundaries if any are assigned correctly, it will solve

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