General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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FSI – Thin structure experiencing large deformation near fixed support

    • mishalraza


      I am trying to conduct FSI with Transient structural and fluent for an aortic valve leaflet. The thin edge (purple) is assigned as the fixed support and the rest is the FSI interface. However, whenever I run the case a node very close to the fixed support experiences large deformation. I tried adjusting the mesh but I have had no luck.

      (DP 0) Participant Solution encountered a fatal error. Message: The value of UX at node 139308 is 5.985503465E+10.  It is greater than the current limit of 1000000 (which can be reset on the NCNV command).  This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Please do not save the project if you would like to recover to the last saved state.

      Would appreciate any suggestions on how to go about this issue.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      The message indicates a rigid body motion. Please confirm if the fixed support is applied at the indicated location. 


      Ashish Khemka

    • mishalraza

      Hi Ashish

      Thank you for your quick response. 

      I checked the structure and fixed not only the surfaces but also the edges to confirm the fixed support however, the case still fails with the same error. 

      Could I maybe send my file to you via email? Everything in the case looks alright to me.

      Would really appreciate your help.


    • mishalraza

      Hi Ashish

      I tried to remesh the solid side and maybe that has fixed the high force issue however, I now get the following error:

      (DP 0) Participant Solution 3 encountered a fatal error. Message: Solution not converged at time 1.E-04 (load step 1 substep 1).    Run terminated. Please do not save the project if you would like to recover to the last saved state.

      Any insights on this?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Thanks for the update. The error message indicates that the solution did not converge at the first substep of the first loadstep. Can you please check the setup? Ansys employees cannot download the model and debug the same.


      Ashish Khemka

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