General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.


    • cma6301


      I am interested in calculating the frictional shear work at point of contacts in my simulation. But I don't know how this can be achieved in ROCKY.


      Considering the above image Say particle A in my simulation. I wish to calculate the frictional slip work as particle A get in contact with its neigborhood. Then sum the frictional work for the entire simulation time. I consider my frictional slip work to be mu*normal force*displacement.

      However I dont know how to account for displacement in rocky. Any useful information to go about this calculations will be appreciated.


      Best regards,



    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ayuk,

      To calculate the tangential slip work, you can use the Normal and Tangential Energy Dissipation Module, which computes the energy dissipated in tangential contacts. For detailed steps and formulas, go to the menu HELP | READY-TO-USE-MODULES | MODULES MANUAL and refer to Chapter 30.

      Best regards.

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