Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Air Heat Transfer Coefficient – SteadyStateThermal Simulation – ANSYS Mechanical Reply To: Air Heat Transfer Coefficient – SteadyStateThermal Simulation – ANSYS Mechanical


Actually I forgot to select some surfaces for the convection boundary condition, but still the temperature of the FEA is much higher than the real case (180 °C) using that kind of film coefficient; but apart from this, I think that's all okay, I just have a body which produces heat, all the contacts are set correctly, and the convection has been applied.
I start thinking that there are 2 options at the end... The first is trying to perform many experiments on different simple cases like this (I already did many of them, but, then, the problem is finding a successful correlation that links htc of the air to geometry and temperature difference of the different bodies). The other option is using CFD.
Actually I still can't imagine that for such simple cases like is so difficult to match simulations with results, any opinions?