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Troubleshooting FSI Simulation Results in Ensight

    • idenyu8701

      Hi everyone! After completing a two-way fluid-structure interaction simulation in Ansys and importing the results into Ensight, I noticed that the data is divided into three cases: fluid, structure, and system coupling. However, only the stress on the structure changes over time. There is no deformation or displacement observed, and I also don't see any interactions between the fluid and the structure. Could anyone kindly help me understand why this might be happening? Thank you very much for your guidance!

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Check this tutorial Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (Fluent-Mechanical) to validate that your setup is correct. There is also a section on Post-Processing in EnSight.


    • idenyu8701

      My understanding is that the results need to be processed after Case 1 (System Coupling) is completed. However, how can I view the pressure or velocity contours for the computational domain in this case?
      like this

      • idenyu8701

        If I have three cases to compare, how should I set up Sync?
        Should I use case linking?
        Please help me!!

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