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Stuck On Uploading Host Information Screen When Trying to add HOST ID

    • gp20

      Trying to activate entitlements and basically the title happens. At the start of the year I had no issues and was able to add new host IDs. However, I am suddenly getting stuck on an ever loading "Uploading Host Information..." Screen after I upload host info

      It also seems like nothing happens when I upload from file on the Add new Host screen. I upload the file and nothing happens. When I hit save I get the screen above and it never loads. Any ideas?

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      What happens if you try to manually enter the host information, instead of uploading?

    • gp20

      I'll get an error like this:


      Even if everything looks valid according to the criteria I'll get an error. I am taking this info from the ansysids generated by my team so its possible I am not using the correct criteria. Could you guide me on the proper method of manually entering host info and I can try it? Thanks!

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Are you choosing Disk Signature as hostid?

    • gp20

      For manually input I chose FlexID because that was what seemed to appear in the ansysID files.

    • gp20

      Any ideas? This hasn't been resolved

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