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Importing older model into 2024R2

    • edson.da.silva

      I am trying to import an older model into HFSS 2024R2 however when I do so I get the following errors. The same import works fine in the 2022R2 version. Is this fundamentally related to how 2024 renders 3D objects which is different from older versions? And if so, how should I go about inporting older models into the 2024 HFSS version? 



      Error Message_1

      Error Message_2



    • AncS
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Edson,

      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys Learning Forum, your patience on this issue is much appreciated.

      Please note that in AEDT,starting from 2023R1, there is a change in geometry modelling kernel from ACIS to parasolid. That would be the reason for not being able to import the geometry of older model into AEDT 2024R2.

       However, you can try exporting the geometry as .step file and importing them back into the new version. This should help re-format the geometry code and fix most geometry issues, but you will have to re-assign the materials and excitations.




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