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No currrent for my Maxwell-3D design

    • Zhengting.Wu


      i'm making a 3D design for my PMSM model. For excitation, I set two Coil Terminals with opposite direction for each Coil. One for the outer winding and one for inner winding. For this excitation, I use the circuit that I built for the 2D design, which works well in the 2D. But the result shows that I dont have any current flows in the coils. I do have the winding current due to the circuit, but I dont have any Induced voltages.

      Does anyone know what's wrong with my 3D model? Many thanks!

    • Miranda Hourihan
      Ansys Employee
      Maxwell 3D supports two types of current excitation: 1 closed loop 2 current flows in and left from the surface of region boundary. Looks like the 3D coils doesn't include end winding, so not closed loop. Do you have current terminals of each winding on the region boundary?
      • Zhengting.Wu


        I use toroidal winding, therefore the motor doesn't have end winding here. The current loop is closed for each coil, but I only have J vectors near the coil terminal plates. The current doesnt flow in my coils. I did not split my model, so I only have the 3D zero boundary region around the motor, and the zero boundary is automaiclly given by the 3D model. I dont have the current terminals on the region boundary. 

        • Miranda Hourihan
          Ansys Employee

          Thanks for the info, close loop shouldn't have this issue. You can use surface->section to cut coil terminals from the geometry, this will ensure coil terminal perfect nest inside of the coil.

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