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finding minimum distance between walls in UDF


    • himanshujoshi

      Is there any built-in function that can be used to get minimum distance between two walls in a UDF. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There aren't, and it's non trivial to code up with UDFs. You may be able to repurpose the contact detection functions in the moving mesh section of the UDF manual, but they may not trigger until near contact. 

    • himanshujoshi

      Thanks Rob for your comments. I am actually trying to build a contact detection model itself, as the in-built contact detection model has issues with density based explicit solver when used with explicit time integration scheme. 

      any leads to calculate minimum distance between the moving surfaces would help me get a step closer.  

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I can only point you to the documentation for the coding element. Given PBCS is good for Mach 2-3 I don't know if you really need density based. The other option is not to look for wall separation but instead look at position: ie if the ground is at x=0 make sure the object can't get below x=0.5 for example. 

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