Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Extremely low orthogonality mesh while quality is satisfied in ICEM CFD Reply To: Extremely low orthogonality mesh while quality is satisfied in ICEM CFD


Yes, most mesh with high ortho skew have high aspect ratio too in my case. I have tried improving the orthogonality and it finally has increased from 0.0081 to 0.0586 at the cost of cell counts increased by 64%. The convergency has slightly improved in inviscid single phase flow. But I think maybe it's not satisfying enough for an engineering problem that the the ratio of net mass flow rate of inlet and outlet is around 2.65%. 

I'm not exactly understand the meaning of the "pave mesh". Do you means a hybrid mesh strategy should be used? Using unstructured mesh near the shoreline region and finally append the structured and unstructured mesh file in Fluent? I haved thought about this solution. If so, ICEM and Fluent meshing are reqiured and interface may be applied, I think. I have tried using Fluent meshing but it seems that hexahedral mesh with extremely high aspect ratio (~1000) in the bulk domain is not realizable in order to reduce the cell counts as much as possible.  


Sincerely thanks for your helpful advice.