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PMSM, Torque Plots problem

    • mullerchi7

      I have designed the Rotor part of an IPM and when I combine the rotor with the stator for a given requirement I get the problem as shown in the figure. Why is my torque plot so wired?

    • H.Shirzad2

      Are you sure you have set the right angle for the rotor to start? It seems the rotor angle is not in synchrony with the excitation. You can either use different current angle (lag or lead) to help fix the problem. Or you can rotate the rotor. This way, select the shaft and the rotor and select rotate along the axis Z. For the angle set a global parameter like $Rot_Angle, the go to optimetrics and try to sweep the value of $Rot_Angle. Run the optometric analysis and plot the torque. The angle of rotation the torque plot of which is the highest is your optimal position of the rotor.

    • mullerchi7


      Thanks for answering. Should I set the initial position MD or phase advance ? It was automatic transfer from MotorCAD.


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