General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Fatal Error while Solving the Model!

    • fan134


      I am conducting a geomechanical analysis of an oil/gas wellbore. The hole at the center represents the wellbore, and there is a semi-elliptical fracture in the cement (Fig-2). The effective minimum horizontal stress is 3.23 MPa, acting in the X-direction, while the effective maximum horizontal stress is 5.25 MPa, acting in the Y-direction (Fig-1). The model runs without any issues when the fracture is not present. However, when the fracture is included, it produces a fatal error, as shown below. Even after refining the mesh to a coarser level, the error persists. For your info, the RAM on my PC is 16 GB.

      I would really appreciate it if anybody could help me resolve this issue.



      ERROR: Worker process(es) with rank(s) 2, 2 have encountered a FATAL error. The information below was gathered from the file*.out output file(s). Please review the worker process output file(s) listed below for more details on this error.
       Worker Process Output File .\file2.out:
       Worker Process Output File .\file2.out:
       *** FATAL ***                           CP =       3.406   TIME= 19:17:17
       The low level memory manager failed to return a valid memory handle for a free operation.  Pointer value: 21.  It is likely that the code is calling for a free with a pointer that was not allocated via the memory manager.








    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      Not sure about the error (likely as you saw due to the fracture object) .
      More important here, one should not be using any fracture objects on cement (they are not for concrete cracking, and would not be very good to use there I would imagine).

      for cement/concrete cracking see the microplane model also used in an example in the help manual (search there for : Chapter 54: Reinforced Concrete Joint Analysis)

      All the best






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