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Fluent meshing curvature size function providing unexpected results


    • asemelka3

      Hello, I'm attempting to mesh this donut shaped geometry such that the filleted shoulders have a finer resolution than the cylindrical surfaces and the flat sides, see the images below.

       I had hoped to achieve this with a curvature size function with a 0.5mm min, 10mm max, and 10 deg normal angle. Such that the cylindrical and flat faces end up towards that 10mm size while the filleted shoulders should end up towards the lower end of that range (~2-3mm). Instead the mesh that is generated looks like below. The green region I've circled looks roughly as I'd hope, however, most of the mesh looks like the red zone, with a uniform cell size at the minimum constrained size.

      This has been a persistent issue over Ansys versions and different methodologies (scoped sizing vs size functions, remesh individually vs reimport with cfd surface mesh). I have tried different growth rates and ensured that the global mesh settings are not conflicting with the curvature settings.

      While in this case, I can resolve the issue by creating separate size functions for each face, there are other geometries where I believe a similar issue has occurred, so I'm hoping to understand what has gone wrong.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      From your description I assume you are using Fluent Meshing (FM).

      When geometry is imported in FM, it is converted to facets. These facets are remeshed with sizing function defined. So make sure that you have imported geomery in FM with correct facet tolerances. If you are using watertight workflow then you will find these options while importing CAD. 

      If facets are good then you can change angle in curvature sizing function. This will help you to see difference in how curvature is captured with different min and max sizes. 

      As you mentioned the recommended option is to define different face sizings. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 



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    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I would expect curvature to work well, but... If you also have proximity and/or local sizing you can see conflicts in the resulting mesh. What did you set?

      • asemelka3

        I don't believe there should be any conflicts. The only other size constraints are a similar curvature sizing around this extruded section, shown near the orange line, and a soft sizing for the extrusion base shown in green. Everything else is set to the curvature sizing described above. There is nothing else in this mesh as I made it specifically to trying to diagnose this issue.


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