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Ansys ACP (Post) NaN issue

    • hewetti


      While following this 3 point bend tutorial (16:22), I got the following error when using ACP post. Below is a screenshot of the error, and a paste of the log file. Any insight would be appreaciated. 

      2024-11-10 19:07:21.401934 info: Runtime arguments:

      2024-11-10 19:07:21.401934 info: - Command line options: {'batch_mode': 0, 'debug': False, 'num_threads': None, 'logfile': None, 'mode': 'post', 'workbench': True, 'port': 55206}

      2024-11-10 19:07:21.408985 info: - Script file: \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.368325 info: WorkbenchConnection connected to port 55206.

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.369350 info: Sending notification hello

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.369350 info:  - Serialized Request: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "hello"}

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.508479 info: Initialize Ansys ACLE license manager for acp: Successful

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.825813 info: Checkout of ACP product license with Ansys ACLE license manager: Checkout successful (server=, client=xd-ms01-18_engineering_oregonstate_edu-username-5268-001845).

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.875942 info: Execute Script: \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.925157 info: Finished execution of \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ after t= 0.05s

      2024-11-10 19:07:45.942701 info: Received Request: method=update_system_coordinates, params=['C:ACP (Post)'], id=1

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.013782 info: Sending Response: success, result=None, id=1

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.013782 info: Received Request: method=wbrefresh, params=[True, '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5', '{\'pre_db\' : {\'external_id\':u"Setup", \'path\':u"\\\\\\\\\\users\\\\username\\\\Windows.Documents\\\\Desktop\\\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\\\LEAP AUS\\\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\\\dp0\\\\ACP-Pre\\\\ACP\\\\ACP-Pre.acph5", \'modified\':True, }, \'solutions\' : [{\'external_id\':u"Solution", \'modified\':True, \'path\':u"", \'name\':u"Solution 1", }, ], }', '', ''], id=2

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.024816 info: refresh acph5: path='\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5', external_sources={'pre_db': {'external_id': 'Setup', 'path': '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Pre\\ACP\\ACP-Pre.acph5', 'modified': True}, 'solutions': [{'external_id': 'Solution', 'modified': True, 'path': '', 'name': 'Solution 1'}]}, input_parameters=None, initialize=True, unit_system_type=None, upgrade_from=None

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.024816 info: Create empty acph5 \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.095350 info: Refresh acph5 \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5 with \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Pre\ACP\ACP-Pre.acph5

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.395693 info: Open database from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.397694 info: Importing acp:h5 model from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.397694 info: Load ACP model from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.410798 info: - File version: 24.2

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.425009 info: - Defining data:

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.425009 info: Data set ACP/ExternalData/InputFile / Data not found in "\users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\ACP-Post.acph5"!

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.475684 info: - Load cached data

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.591630 info: - Ignoring data for ElemWisePlyProperty.node_thicknesses because number of objects (11340) and number of property values ( 0) do not match.

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.591630 info: - Ignoring data for ElemWisePlyProperty.fabric_fiber_angle because number of objects (11340) and number of property values ( 0) do not match.

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.591630 info: Finished loading of ACP model after 0.203 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.591630 info: Finished post-load upgrade after 0.203 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.662178 info: Load materials from Engineering Data file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\ACP-Post\ACP\f359c201-6c33-4596-a7db-ee9350e1c76f.matml.engd

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.682265 info: End of material load from Engineering Data file.

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.732242 info: Send unit system change to WB: UnitSystem( type=mpa )

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.732242 info: Sending notification status

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.732242 info:  - Serialized Request: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "status", "params": ["unit_system_changed", "mpa"]}

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.977134 info: Check model consistency

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.977290 info: Set Unit System: from UnitSystem( type=mpa ) to mpa

      2024-11-10 19:07:46.977290 info:  - Unit System is equal to unit system already assigned to the Model.

      2024-11-10 19:07:47.541516 info: Sending notification status

      2024-11-10 19:07:47.541516 info:  - Serialized Request: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "status", "params": ["modified"]}

      2024-11-10 19:07:47.545054 info: Sending Response: success, result=(True, '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5'), id=2

      2024-11-10 19:07:47.713044 info: Received Request: method=focus, params={}, id=None

      2024-11-10 19:08:08.763937 info: Update object(s): CombinedFailureCriteria('FailureCriteria.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:08:08.820059 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:08:08.820059 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:08.823060 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.003 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:20.313254 info: Update object(s): CombinedFailureCriteria('FailureCriteria.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:08:20.360100 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:08:20.360100 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:20.360100 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:53.411645 info: Update object(s): FailureData('Failure.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:08:54.208689 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:08:54.208689 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:54.208689 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:08:54.303125 error: File path () of solution Solution 1 does not exist! Please assign new path or delete.

      2024-11-10 19:09:26.812431 info: Received Request: method=wbrefresh, params=[False, '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5', '{\'pre_db\' : {\'external_id\':u"Setup", \'path\':u"\\\\\\\\\\users\\\\username\\\\Windows.Documents\\\\Desktop\\\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\\\LEAP AUS\\\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\\\dp0\\\\ACP-Pre\\\\ACP\\\\ACP-Pre.acph5", \'modified\':False, }, \'solutions\' : [{\'external_id\':u"Solution", \'modified\':True, \'path\':u"\\\\\\\\\\users\\\\username\\\\Windows.Documents\\\\Desktop\\\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\\\LEAP AUS\\\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\\\dp0\\\\SYS\\\\MECH\\\\file.rst", \'name\':u"Solution 1", \'renumbering_mapping_paths\':[u"\\\\\\\\\\users\\\\username\\\\Windows.Documents\\\\Desktop\\\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\\\LEAP AUS\\\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\\\dp0\\\\SYS\\\\MECH\\\\Setup\\\\ACPSolidModel_SolidModel.1.mapping"], }, ], }', '', ''], id=3

      2024-11-10 19:09:26.812431 info: refresh acph5: path='\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5', external_sources={'pre_db': {'external_id': 'Setup', 'path': '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Pre\\ACP\\ACP-Pre.acph5', 'modified': False}, 'solutions': [{'external_id': 'Solution', 'modified': True, 'path': '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\SYS\\MECH\\file.rst', 'name': 'Solution 1', 'renumbering_mapping_paths': ['\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\SYS\\MECH\\Setup\\ACPSolidModel_SolidModel.1.mapping']}]}, input_parameters=None, initialize=False, unit_system_type=None, upgrade_from=None

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.258650 info: Sending Response: success, result=(False, '\\\\users\\username\\Windows.Documents\\Desktop\\ATT2Y_AXIS\\LEAP AUS\\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\\dp0\\ACP-Post\\ACP\\ACP-Post.acph5'), id=3

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.258650 info: Received Request: method=wbupdate, params={}, id=4

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.285376 info: Update object(s): Model(name='ACP Model', path='// AUS/LEAP-AUS-TEST_files/dp0/ACP-Post/ACP/../MECH/ACP-Pre.h5', format='ansys:h5') ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.326047 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.326047 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.326047 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.326047 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.345081 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.345081 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.355092 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.375433 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.375433 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.379467 info: Load Ansys results from RST file

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.379467 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.392110 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.392110 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.392110 info: Parsing Ansys RST file: \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.412618 info: - Parse RST file headers

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.412618 info: - RST file does not contain principal stress data

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.412618 info: - Reading data set 9 of 9.

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.442713 info: - Parse nodal deformations

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.452719 info:   # nodal result sets read : 19688

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.452719 info: - Parse stresses and strains

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.452719 info:   - Load strain and stress data: true

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.452719 info: - Parse results of 8984 elements

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   # element shear forces read : 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   # element stress result sets read : 6935

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   # element strain result sets read : 6935

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   # element nodal temperature result sets read : 8413

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   # material non-linear sets read : 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.513518 info:   Parsing of element results finished after 0.059 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.523594 info: Applying assembly renumbering to solution containers...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.525098 info: Load mesh mapping from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\Setup\ACPSolidModel_SolidModel.1.mapping

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.553723 info:   - Realocate element results ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.568995 info:   - Realocate nodal results ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.572995 info: - Process nodal results ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info:   Processed 7040 nodes. t=0.002 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info:   WARNING: Nodal results for 704 nodes are MISSING and are set to 0.0.

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info: - Process nodal rotations (from nodal to global csys) ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info:   Processed 0 rotations. t=0.001 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info: - Process progressive damage results:

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info:   No progressive damage data available

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.575563 info: - Process element strain and stress results ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.585070 info:   Done for 5670 elements. t=0.011 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.585070 info: - Process shear forces ...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.585070 info:     Done

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.585070 info: Convert loaded results from RST file unit system UnitSystem( length=mm, mass=t, time=s, force=N, temperature=C, currency=USD) to model unit system UnitSystem( length=mm, mass=t, time=s, force=N, temperature=C, currency=USD)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info: Start ACP post-processing computation.

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info: - Evaluation/update of the following quantities has been requested:

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   Strains

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   In-plane stresses s1, s2, s12

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   Interlaminar shear stresses s13 and s23

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   Maximum strain failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   Maximum stress failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   2D Tsai-Wu failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   2D Tsai-Hill failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   2D Hashin failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   2D Puck failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   2D Cuntze failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:   Sandwich core shear criteria

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:    Active layered elements: 5670

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info:    Active solver elements: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.592076 info: - Start computation (5670 element(s) selected)...

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.595082 info:     10% finished (568 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.595082 info:     20% finished (1136 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.595082 info:     30% finished (1704 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.605092 info:     40% finished (2272 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.608598 info:     50% finished (2840 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.608598 info:     60% finished (3408 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.615107 info:     70% finished (3976 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.615107 info:     80% finished (4536 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.615107 info:     90% finished (5104 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.615107 info:     100% finished (5670 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:09:27.625184 info:   done for 5670 elements.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.408882 error: Failure criteria evaluation failed: NaN values detected. This is an internal logic error, please report this to the ACP developers.


      2024-11-10 19:09:28.563963 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.575156 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.575156 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.575156 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.595082 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.595082 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.658496 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.670056 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.670056 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.675162 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.685189 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.685189 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.695254 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.708336 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.708336 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.708336 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.715344 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.715344 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.725927 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.741993 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.741993 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.741993 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.745596 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.745596 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.832290 error: The ACP update did not succeed. Please see the log for more details.

      2024-11-10 19:09:28.841797 info: Sending JSONRPCErrorResponse(jsonrpc='2.0',id=4,error={'message': 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "C:\\ANSYSDev\\tfs_agent\\_work\\645\\s\\dependencies\\ThirdParty\\CPython\\3_10\\winx64\\Release\\python\\lib\\", line 90, in runcode\n  File "", line 1, in \n  File "c:\\ansysdev\\tfs_agent\\_work\\645\\s\\felyx\\python\\compolyx\\", line 2217, in wbupdate\nRuntimeError: The ACP update did not succeed. Please see the log for more details.\n', 'code': -32000})

      2024-11-10 19:10:06.008486 info: Received Request: method=focus, params={}, id=None

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.058502 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.075167 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.075167 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.075167 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.084206 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:14.084206 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.443622 info: Update object(s): FailureData('Failure.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.732409 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.732409 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.733416 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info: Start ACP post-processing computation.

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info: - Evaluation/update of the following quantities has been requested:

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   Strains

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   In-plane stresses s1, s2, s12

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   Interlaminar shear stresses s13 and s23

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   Maximum strain failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   Maximum stress failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   2D Tsai-Wu failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   2D Tsai-Hill failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   2D Hashin failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   2D Puck failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   2D Cuntze failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.735416 info:   Sandwich core shear criteria

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.738419 info:    Active layered elements: 5670

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.738419 info:    Active solver elements: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.738419 info: - Start computation (5670 element(s) selected)...

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.740426 info:     10% finished (568 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.742066 info:     20% finished (1136 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.742066 info:     30% finished (1704 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.742066 info:     40% finished (2272 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.742066 info:     50% finished (2840 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.752068 info:     60% finished (3408 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.752068 info:     70% finished (3976 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.758581 info:     80% finished (4536 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.758581 info:     90% finished (5104 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.762675 info:     100% finished (5670 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.762675 info:   done for 5670 elements.

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.831899 error: Failure criteria evaluation failed: NaN values detected. This is an internal logic error, please report this to the ACP developers.


      2024-11-10 19:10:16.893505 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.904514 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.905514 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.906522 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.917406 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.917406 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:16.995483 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.005492 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.005492 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.008499 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.015507 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.015507 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.026082 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.042147 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.045163 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.045163 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.055203 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.055203 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.072636 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.084320 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.084320 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.085349 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.092302 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.092302 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.212976 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.225066 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.225066 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.225066 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.232111 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.232111 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.255688 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.266812 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.268317 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.269378 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.276204 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.276204 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.295793 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.305801 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.308808 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.308808 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.315839 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.315839 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.476092 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.482601 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.482601 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.482601 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.492109 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:17.492109 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.525492 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.537986 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.538566 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.540244 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.547571 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.547571 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.567656 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.578227 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.578227 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.578227 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.591787 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.591787 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.611483 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.622389 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.623396 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.624381 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.637202 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:10:21.637202 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.475098 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.485468 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.485468 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.485468 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.495577 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:03.495577 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:06.995820 info: Update object(s): FailureData('Failure.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.110241 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.110241 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.111251 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info: Start ACP post-processing computation.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info: - Evaluation/update of the following quantities has been requested:

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   Strains

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   In-plane stresses s1, s2, s12

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   Interlaminar shear stresses s13 and s23

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   Maximum strain failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   Maximum stress failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   2D Tsai-Wu failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   2D Tsai-Hill failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   2D Hashin failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   2D Puck failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   2D Cuntze failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.113250 info:   Sandwich core shear criteria

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.116248 info:    Active layered elements: 5670

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.116248 info:    Active solver elements: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.117247 info: - Start computation (5670 element(s) selected)...

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.119247 info:     10% finished (568 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.122248 info:     20% finished (1136 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.124247 info:     30% finished (1704 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.126434 info:     40% finished (2272 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.129445 info:     50% finished (2840 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.131445 info:     60% finished (3408 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.134445 info:     70% finished (3976 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.136446 info:     80% finished (4536 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.139020 info:     90% finished (5104 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.142020 info:     100% finished (5670 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.142020 info:   done for 5670 elements.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.212534 error: Failure criteria evaluation failed: NaN values detected. This is an internal logic error, please report this to the ACP developers.


      2024-11-10 19:11:07.232619 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.252142 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.252142 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.258663 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.262271 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.262271 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.345649 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.365753 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.365753 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.365753 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.378917 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.378917 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.395520 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.405527 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.405527 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.408614 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.415644 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.415644 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.435227 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.445239 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.445239 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.445239 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.460748 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:07.460748 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.219792 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.227129 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.227129 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.235673 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.245731 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.245731 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.258784 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.275408 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.275408 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.276414 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.285454 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.285454 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.295499 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.315574 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.315574 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.315574 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.326046 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.326046 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.717760 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.731288 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.731288 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.732219 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.742498 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.742498 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.758683 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.762393 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.772627 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.772627 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.782645 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.782645 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.792155 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.812812 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.812812 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.812812 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.825419 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:11:47.825419 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.125330 info: Update object(s): FailureData('Failure.1') ...

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.453258 info: Update solid model SolidModel.1

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.453258 info: Update of solid model SolidModel.1 finished. t=0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.453258 info: Update of plot object Thickness.1 finished after 0.000 seconds

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info: Start ACP post-processing computation.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info: - Evaluation/update of the following quantities has been requested:

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   Strains

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   In-plane stresses s1, s2, s12

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   Interlaminar shear stresses s13 and s23

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   Maximum strain failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   Maximum stress failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   2D Tsai-Wu failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   2D Tsai-Hill failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   2D Hashin failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   2D Puck failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   2D Cuntze failure criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.458769 info:   Sandwich core shear criteria

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.463904 info:    Active layered elements: 5670

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.463904 info:    Active solver elements: 0

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.463904 info: - Start computation (5670 element(s) selected)...

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.463904 info:     10% finished (568 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.463904 info:     20% finished (1136 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.473412 info:     30% finished (1704 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.475431 info:     40% finished (2272 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.475431 info:     50% finished (2840 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.475431 info:     60% finished (3408 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.483447 info:     70% finished (3976 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.485860 info:     80% finished (4536 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.485860 info:     90% finished (5104 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.491876 info:     100% finished (5670 of 5670)

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.493884 info:   done for 5670 elements.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.562213 error: Failure criteria evaluation failed: NaN values detected. This is an internal logic error, please report this to the ACP developers.


      2024-11-10 19:12:01.586149 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.596168 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.596168 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.596168 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.608682 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.608682 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.697381 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.712517 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.712517 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.714292 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.725712 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.726057 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.739008 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.742242 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.742242 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.742242 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.762801 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.762801 info: - Number of data sets: 9

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.775456 info: Check Ansys RST file \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.786512 info: - File size: 44.125 MB

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.786512 info: - Identified valid Ansys RST file with little endian byte-order.

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.786512 info: Extract Ansys result set information from \users\username\Windows.Documents\Desktop\ATT2Y_AXIS\LEAP AUS\LEAP-AUS-TEST_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\file.rst

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.793105 info: - Analysis type: 0

      2024-11-10 19:12:01.793105 info: - Number of data sets: 9

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      I see that your post is marked as answered. Did you get an answer? If yes then can you please share the solution here on forum.


      Ashish Khemka

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