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Cannot read a transient profile

    • Dato


      I want to apply a transient profile to velocity-inlet boundary. However, I read the transient profile through TUI "file- read transient table" but it doesn't show done. And the profile cannot be managed in profile management. I have also try to read it through file>read profile but it also doesn't work. 

      My transient profile is shown below. 

      Any possible solution? I think that it should be caused by the profile format. 




      I found that a velue concerning periodicity is missed. I add it and read the profile. But there is a "?" before the name of velocityin as shown. 

      Besides, the field cannot be read and once I clicked the profile, error occurred in the console. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Format may well be a factor, https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_bcs_sec_transient.html may help. 

      • Dato

        Oh, thanks you so much prof. You have pointed out a key clue of "format".

        After my several trials, I found that it's not the problem of tabular profile format. Instead, it's the format of profile file. I changed the tabular profile file format from UTF-8 BOM to UTF-8 and it worked. 

        Though the process is time-consuming and troublesome, I feel happy to explore new function and solve some usage problems in Fluent. Hoping that it would help for others. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Always use plain text - white space characters can cause problems. 

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