General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Contact data

    • cma6301


      I modify the particle information script to extract contact data for my simulation. However, I observed that only a single data point is found on each contact property at each output frequency. Unlike in the particle properties where I have several data point for each output frequency. See image below

      Best regards,


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      So forum members can get a better idea, and to be able for them to provide some feedback, can you expand more on which Ansys product you are using, what you are doing, and what the main issue is?

      Thank you


    • cma6301

      Hi Erik,


      I am using Ansys Rocky. I am studying the behavour of particles during fine grinding. So, I need particles data such as normal and tangential forces at contact point, contact position, contact vector for further analysis. Unfortunately, Rocky script to extact contact information is not available. I modify the script to export particle information for contact information. I was expecting to get several data point for a single output frequency just like I do with original script for particle information, however, I only got a single value for each output frequency.


      Best regards,


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