Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

ROM import into Fluent by PyFluent or PyWorkbench

    • 2510627y
      I am using student license. I can import ROM into Fluent in Workbench. But I want to using ROM externally (associate with Ansys but using Python or other tools). However, I can not find API in PyWorkbench to support this. Also, there is not function to support starting a Fluent session using PyWorkbench or PyFluent and import ROM. Which makes me impossible to using external scripts to adjust input parameters (from external database, such as MongoDB or InfluxDB) and save simulation data (to csv file for example). Is there any script tool could utilise ROM (.romz file)?
    • Supreetha J
      Forum Moderator


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