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Hello, most of the thermodynamic files I tried were able to capture the CJ values correctly, as long as there are no errors in the input file. The SDToolbox developed by Caltech has a good collection of H2-O2 reactions models and thermodynamic inputs for detonation simulations ( Are you using a long enough domain to let the detonation build-up? There's always an acceleration phase after ignition for which the temperature and pressure are below the CJ values. Also, the ignition is important, a weak ignition may cause a deflagration instead of a detonation, which will differ from the CJ values. Usually, an ignition with a high pressure (1.5-2 MPa) followed by a high-temperature zone (2000-3000K) is enough. 

I couldn't find any models using chemistry in LS-DYNA examples, only CESE models without chemistry. But I'll send you my Shock Tube problem by email. Note that this model is 2D-axisymmetric and it doesn't converge for versions below the R15 development version, where they fixed some robustness bugs.