Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids 1 WAY COUPLING WITH ROCKY Reply To: 1 WAY COUPLING WITH ROCKY


Hi Lucas and thank you for your suggestions.

Basically the fibers are short, in fact they are faced cilindrical with a diameter of 0.2 mm and a vertical aspect ratio of 65 (so their length is 13 mm). 

I'm trying to change their orientation respect to the global system, maybe along the X axis. 

I would ask you an information for the mass flow value.Since that inside the domain  I have a specified percentage of fibers to fill it with a certain time, how could you suggest me to calibrate the injection?

The cfd analysis lasts 17 seconds.

I don't know if I need to calculate by myself the effective massflow by Knowing the velocity from which the fibers are moving ( mass flow = area of inlet * velocity * density of fibers ) and after that deriving the total time ( Wich will be lower than 17 seconds) required to produce the total amount of fibers.

The second way that I thought is to apply an injection time equal to the cfd analysis (17 seconds) and calibrate the mass flow in kg/s in order to generate a total amount of fiber close to the 1.5% of the volume.

I'm waiting for some information,

Best regards 
