LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Body hitting a net, SPH and Lagrangian approach

    • Otokemo

      Hello, I'm trying to collide the cylinder (material:water) to the net.

      I'm using SPH approach, but the net elements are very thin and they go between the the particles and has no effect on the net geometry.


      I also tried Lagrangian approach with Explicit and Ls-Dyna as well. 

      With the Explicit, the water cylinder elements are distorting and I'm getting energy error too big error.

      With the Ls-Dyna, the water cylinder doesn't go throu the net, it just kinda bounces back.

      Any ideas?


      CDN media

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Otokemo, 

      Have you used any  nodes_to_surface contact between SPH ( MAT_NULL+EOS)and Beams with adjusted penalty factors for contact to be detectable with a very fine particle count ( at least three or more particles covering the beam elements to get collisions)  with this approach, you might get something like follows:

      I do not suggest to use solid elements here to represent the fluid part,  You can try with the solid net elements and see how it goes.  

      Cheers, Ram 

      • Otokemo


        Dear Ram, thank you for your reply. 
        I’m using LS-Dyna in from workbench and I can’t find how to apply  nodes_to_surface contact.
        Is it only used in standalone LS-Dyna?

        Also, water2 material from Explicit materials, already has EOS defined, I added MAT_NULL, but which parameters should I use?




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