Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Negative Hourglass energy Reply To: Negative Hourglass energy

Alex R.
Ansys Employee

Hello Fatemeh,

Negative energy is indicative that the elements are undergoing severe deformation. The best would be visualizing hourglass energy in the model and inspecting the elements that are observing negative values, searching for instability. To include hourglass energy in d3plot please see SHGE in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY for shells and HDYRO=4 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY for solids.

Another option would be running the model with fully integrated elements please see ELFORM = 16 or -16 for shells and ELFORM = 2, -1, -2 for Solids.

Please let me know how it goes.

Thank you,
