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ansys aqwa . 6dof motion

    • nhanani4


      i want to get the 6dof motion data for surge,heave,roll, pitch , sway.

      how can  i get the result?which one it correct and what the difference between them?

      i) structure nposition > actual response> global x  for surge ?

      ii) structure position ? RAO based reponse > global x for surge?


      i get the i) heave -4.9 m it is okay to get negative?

      i get the ii)  heave 0.0034 m ?

      which want the correct data for surge motion?



    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      In 13.5.3. Motions at Drift and Wave Frequency (ansys.com), there are some descriptions of RAO based responses.  If you want to get the 6 DOF motions, please use Structure poistion - actual response.

      The actual responses give you the actual LOCATION and/or OREINTATION of a structure's COG.  If the actual response -> global z result at a time step is  -4.9m, it just means that at that time, the COG in the global coordinate system (the origin is at the mean water level) is at -4.9m in the vertical direction.  

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