We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Can’t start LS-DYNA License Manager Reply To: Can’t start LS-DYNA License Manager


This is what I was sent:

How to obtain Server Information for LSTC licenses:  

ANSYS no longer supports node-locked licenses and multiple servers, please use the following directions to generate the network license file. The server can be a virtual server or physically located on campus. (statement about the virtual server)


1. Download, install, and run the LSTC License Manager program.
2. It will generate the LSTC_SERVER_INFO file. Send the file to Ansys. 
3. Ansys will send back the LSTC LS-Dyna license file.  


Install the complete LSDYNA package (500MB) which includes the LSTC License Manager


User Name:

After you have installed the full LSDYNA package: 

  • Open the LS-DYNA Program Manager  
  • Go to "License Manager Menu"  
  • Click Registration  
  • Save and send the SERVER_INFO FILE to ANSYS to request/process your license. 


Download:  http://www.lstc.com/download/ls-dyna 

User Name:

  To obtain server information:  http://www.lstc.com/download/lic/new_netnix_license 

  • Follow the instructions in Section 2 for how to generate a license request
  • Save and send the SERVER_INFO FILE to ANSYS to request/process the license.Â