October 2, 2024 at 10:49 am
I chose to simulate metasurface designs in HFSS as it provided experimentally verified simulation results in the RF. Now, I want to expand my simulation range to cover the IR and visible regimes too.
When I'm doing this, the transmission values I am getting appear to include large amounts of thin film interference, which I do not see in my experimental results. I am using two periodic boundary conditions, floquet ports above and below (with 5um gap between my structure and port), custom materials based on conductivity values, and a driven solution mode. The maximum pitch of my periodc structures is 1mm. Do I need to take into account some other considerations when moving into the IR and visible regimes with HFSS?
In adition, the simulation time increases substationally when moving to the higher freuqnecies. I did expect this as the mesh size used will be smaller. I should note I am using three individual studies with the adaptive pass / meshing frequency set to the highest value in each study. Example: study 1 goes from 1-15 GHz and so adaptive pass frequency is 15 GHz. How could I ensure that I speed up simulations without losing out on accuracy?
Many thanks in advance, Tom.
October 8, 2024 at 10:12 am
SubscriberUnderstanding HFSS transmission in RF, IR, and Visible frequencies is crucial for precise signal analysis. When exploring educational resources, consider the link buscador de beca benito juárez” to find relevant scholarships that support studies in electromagnetic fields and communication technology
October 11, 2024 at 1:33 am
Ansys EmployeeHi T. M. Howe,
For accuracy point of view inside HFSS, convergence criterion defined based on S-parameter if ports are define and solution types are driven modal or terminal. You can change the converence criterion delta S, increases no of pasess for adaptive passes for mesh. You can specify multiple frequencies for adaptive meshing since sweep is a bradband 1 - 15 GHz. This will make sure that mesh is adapated as per frequency throgout the frequency range. In Analysis setup dialog, you can slect Solver option such as Direct and order of the basis fucntion as Second order.
With your current simulation you can plot the mesh at diferent frequency point and see how goo it is. Else you can apply meshin seeding on metametrial structure example length based meshing etc, If there is any curved surface or geometry is present accordingling you can enable curved mesh setting.
Apart from S-parameter based convergence you can define converence for adaptive meshing using Expression cache which is present in Setup dialog.
Most of this details you can look into HFSS help documentation.
Utilizing Ansys high-performance computing (HPC) technologies with HFSS can help solve complex models while preserving complete 3D electromagnetics.in faster ways. HPC can significantly maximize simulation value, allowing for more design iterations and faster speeds for studying larger and more complex models https://www.ansys.com/blog/how-to-optimize-speed-scalability-ansys-hfss-hpc
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