Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Ansys Fluent


    • TeebaQata1


      I am following a youtube tutorial for a 3D airfoil. On ansys fluent, the tutorial says to set the boundary conditions for the intlet (Velocity inlet), where the tutorial says to set the velocity magnitude as 12m/s then press okay. the inlet dialog box of the online tutorial is in the first image below. however, the dialog box that I get has more options and different options under the turbulance option as seen in the second image. when I insert the velocity that the tutorials says (12 m/s) and press okay, I get the error message in the third image. Could you please help me out with what would be the issue or what to do?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which turbulence model are you using?

    • TeebaQata1

      I am using K-omega SS. I have manged to solve the problem. However, the error might have been in the additional equation used to solve turbulent flow (K-omega), I might have set a wrong value in the outer limit of the domain, which thus, would have caused the error.

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