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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical I want to output the Autodyn results to an Excel file. Reply To: I want to output the Autodyn results to an Excel file.

Chris Quan
Ansys Employee

You can output grid variables to an Autodyn print file: ident.prt via Output controls in Autodyn GUI. See screen snapshot below. 

From the Output controls, you need to click on Print, change the Output Type to Grid Data, specify how frequent you want to output the results, and click on Grid Variables to select the result variables for output. Finally, you need to save the changes and run the model. The output will be in the ident.prt file and you can use any text editor to retrieve the output for further post-processing.

By default, this will output the selected variables of all nodes in the model to the print file. If you only want to output the results at the selected nodes or particles, you need to click on Parts on the left navigation bar to select the body and then click on Print to define the nodes for output via the range of nodal index numbers. 

Autodyn outputs momentum in Material Summary or Energy Summary. For grid variables, you need to calculate the mass and velocity to get the momentum at each element or node.