Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids External Force definition in Ansys Aqwa – Limited number of external force sets? Reply To: External Force definition in Ansys Aqwa – Limited number of external force sets?

Mike Pettit
Ansys Employee


That does look like a bug in Aqwa (or Aqwa Workbench), I will log it and try to get it fixed for the next release.

As a workaround, you could alternatively use the Python user-defined force function to apply your time-varying loads to each structure. The Aqwa solver can be connected to a Python server (code is provided in the installation) so that a Python function is called at every time step. Please see the Aqwa Reference Manual for more info: 30.3. External Server for User-Defined Force Calculation (

Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.
