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How to exert force on bunch of nodes in global direction at transient analysis?


    • Mehdi Baghaee

      I am doing transient analysis. I want to exert time varying forces on each nodes of a surface in global Z direction (not nodal direction) during simulation. 

      My forces are calulated and nested on a vector (array) which the location of the values in the array relates to the node numbers. 

      I want to know how is it possible through ANSYS apdl commands without using a do loop? (simply by F command)



    • Yolanda GStewart

      Hello! I am also in the process of analyzing to apply force to a group of nodes in a global direction when analyzing instantly? This process is quite complicated so you need to learn and develop more to handle situations in time. Although I am analyzing, I still have to learn a long time to be able to analyze most accurately. You should check out geometry dash subzero to gain more knowledge and skills for yourself.

    • Mehdi Baghaee

      Any Comment?

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