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Conditional solution

    • gabriele1.clerici

      I want to set up a two phase cooling solution for a tube cooled by the inside, in wich the convective heat transfer coefficent  of the solid/liquid surface cells changes, depending on the flow regime, and on a user-defined set of heat transfer correlation. Can i manually do that using an if or when loop?


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, you can set up a two-phase cooling simulation. You can achieve this by writing a UDF that updates the HTC based on the flow conditions at each time step or iteration. Use a UDF to calculate the HTC based on the local flow conditions, such as Reynolds number, Nusselt number, or any other relevant parameters

      • gabriele1.clerici

        Thanks for the reply! 

        In my case i have to select each time some fluid and solid elements, take the paramenters of interest, and put them as argument of the HT coeff function. For example:

        HT coeff at location z = 10m and time t = 2s must be a function of the delta T between liquuid and solid element placed at locazion z at time t

        is it possible? 

        Thanks again!

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