

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent expression syntax error

    • desouzadacosta


      Does anybody know the sintax error in the following fluent expression :

      mu_infinity + (mu_zero - mu_infinity)/((1 + (lambda * StrainRate)^2)^(1/3))

      I previously defined succefully :

      lambda = -0.2783 [s]
      mu_infinity = 2.7459e-3 [kg/(m*s)] 
      mu_zero = 3.5832e-3 [kg/(m*s)]

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Alexandre, 

      please use a different name for lambda and this should work.

    • desouzadacosta


      Even  changing lambda to lamb_da, it says Expression Does Not Evaluate to a Single Value. 

      I already initialized the flow.

      • Federico
        Ansys Employee

        The expression does not evaluate to a single value because of StrainRate, which is a tensor field. Your expression will depend on the value of StrainRate at a given location.

        The message you are seeing is not an error, you should still be able to create this expression and visualize it in contour plots for example. 

    • desouzadacosta


      Returning to the old udf property definition.

      • Federico
        Ansys Employee

        Not sure what you mean by that.

        The expression you shared works as intended. Like I said, StrainRate does not have a single value, so the message you see is to be expected on the expression definition page.

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